18 July 2015

Indian Roses 23.12.1984

This beautiful flower Rose has a universal appeal. Poets, craftsmen and painters have found joy and inspiration in the range of colours, form, substance and fragrance this exquisite flower offers. History of roses in India dates back to 334-323 BC when it is reported that Alexander the Great in his epic drive to the borders of India sent one of the newly observed rose plants back to his mentor Aristotle and to ancient Greece.
 The flowers on these two stamps are the MRINALINI (Re1.50) and the SUGANDHA (Rs2.00). Brief description of the flowers is given below :-

MRINALINI (Re1.50). A hybrid rose from the cross of 'Pink Partait' and 'Christian Dior' (HT) Phlox pink, long pointed buds open to very large (10cm diameter across), well formed blooms on long stem. The flowers are long lasting and borne on vigorous growing bushes (plant height 85 cms) producing about 60 blooms in a season from December to April.
SUGANDHA (Rs2.00).  long pointed buds, ranging from pure red to scarlet, opening into large loose flowers on medium tall, upright growing bush. The flowers are gloriously scented and tend to droop. However, flowers on strong shoots attain exhibition quality.

The First Day Cover, features the rose Raktangadha.

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