25 August 2014

Gandhiji's Birth Anniversary - October 1951

Before I proceed further with first day covers, I would like to display before you a set of five pictorial postcards issued in 1951.
First pictorial and / or commemorative Post Card of Independent India was issued this day, with pictures of our “Father of Nation” - Mahatma Gandhi.
Actually, post cards bearing the super inscription in Hindi (Devnagari Script) were put on sale in post offices on and from 2nd October 1951 - Mahatma Gandhiji 82nd Birthday. The new Hindi post cards were similar in design as the existing ones with English superscription except that the words “Post card” and “Address Only” were inscribed in Hindi. A special feature of these post cards is that the words “name, address, post office and district” are printed in Hindi on the address side thereof for facility of writing up the address correctly.

It appears that the ordinary post card issued with Gandhi Pictorial post card was the issued in 9 pies post cards with HINDI inscriptions. Actually, 9 pies post card with Hindi inscription was issued for the first time on 2nd October 1951, where Hindi inscription were printed above the line. But Hindi language is always written below the line. Therefore, the Postal Department issued another post card in Hindi language whee printed below the line. The used examples of this post cards addressed to me and my family are displayed here. A limited number of above referred post cards, which were issued on 2nd October 1951 had been printed with pictures depicting some aspects from Mahatma Gandhiji’s life. There were four picture postcards in this set. The first card shows a portrait of Mahattma Gandhi the other three are as follows:- 

(a) Gandhiji with a child.
(b) With his favourite charkha. 
(c ) With his wife Kasturba or "Ba" as she was affectionately known.

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