15 July 2016

4th CISM Military World Games 14.10.2007

The commemorative stamps display 4th MWG multisport activities and try to capture spirit of the games. They display the solidarity of the participating military teams from different CISM member nations.
The first Day Cover depicts the main motto of the games i.e. ‘FRIENDSHIP THROUGH SPORTS’.
  India was privileged to host the 4th CISM Military World Games from 14 to 21 October 2007 at Hyderabad and Mumbai under the aegis of Conseil International Du Sport Militaire (‘CISM’ a French acronym) or International Military Sports Council, HQ based at Brussels.
  CISM formed in 1948, used sports to unite the Armed forces of nations. Presently it is composed of 127 member countries which are united through its motto of ‘FRIENDSHIP THROUGH SPORTS’. CISM organizes over 20 World Championships annually, besides the Military World Games (MWG) held every four years. The first MWG were held in 1995 in Rome, second in ZagrebCroatia in 1999, and the third at CataniaItaly in 2003.
  During the Afro–Asian Games in 2003 at Hyderabad, visiting CISM officials proposed that India should host the 4th Military World Games 07. The formal signing of Invitation for participating countries, between CISM and Indian Armed Forces took place on 26 September 2006 at Hyderabad.
  The Logo and Mascot for MWG 07 was launched on 27 December 2006. 4thMWG 07 being an international sporting event, theme for the Logo was taken from the famous five rings of the Olympic Logo depicting five inhabitant continents (Northand South Americas are counted as one continent, AsiaEuropeAfrica and Australiabeing the other four). The five petals of the Logo depict our national flower Lotus.
  The great Indian Bison, being the formation sign of the Hyderabad based Infantry Division of Indian Army, was selected as the Mascot for the Games since the Games were held at Hyderabad. A majestic Bison, normally imperturbable and always treated with respect in the animal kingdom, possesses immense strength, vigour and doggedness. When provoked, its spurt, ferocity and speed of charge drives terror into the hearts of its opponents. Indian Armed Forces reputation can, thus, be compared with that of a Bison.
  The following games were included in the 4th CISM Military World Games: Boxing, Judo, Sailing, Handball, Football, Track & Field events, Diving, Wrestling, Triathlon, Parachuting, Volleyball, Mil Pentathlon, Swimming and Shooting.

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