25 October 2015

Acharya Narendra Deva - Birth Centenary 6.11.1989

Acharya Narendra Deva (1889–1956) was one of the leading theorists of the Congress Socialist Party in India. His democratic socialism renounced violent means as a matter of principle and embraced the satyagraha as a revolutionary tactic.
Narendra Deva advocated the abolition of poverty and exploitation not just through the Marxist materialist dialectic but especially on moral and humanistic grounds. Furthermore, he insisted that "without political democracy social democracy was a sham". Deva was active in the peasant movement and served as president of the All-India Kisan Congress.

A postage stamp in the denomination of 20P, was brought out by the Department on 19-2-1971, on his 25th Death anniversary. This second stamp on the personality is brought out to commemorate his birth centenary.

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