23 August 2015

The Festival of India in the USSR 3.7.1987

The Festival of India in the USSR, was inaugurated on July 3, 1987, is the largest cultural manifestation to be held by our country. It follows the extremely successful Festivals held earlier in Britain, 1982, the USA 1985-86, and France 1985-86 and in terms of size and scope, is larger than these. The basic concept of the Festival of India was to increase the awareness and understanding of India in the outside world by projecting aspects of her ancient and living heritage and also her contemporary life and aspirations. Thus, the varied programme of exhibitions, performing arts, films, seminars and youth and sports activities to be held in the USSR will unfold both classical and contemporary art, ancient dance forms and the leap into the future of India's scientific and technological achievements. Traditional Indian Sports and the continuing concern for conservation and ecology. 20 Exhibitions, over 1700 performing artists drawn from the folk, tribal and classical streams, 80 feature films and 17 major seminars are planned for the year-long festival. The activities span over 50 cities across 15 Republics of the Soviet Union, giving India her widest-ever exposure in this vast land. What is particularly significant is the element of reciprocity and exchange. In November, 1987 the Soviet Union alsow held the Festival of the USSR in India, which was also for one year.

The two Festivals celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Great October Revolution of the USSR.

The theme chosen to be depicted on the stamp relates to Sanghoi Sculptures. The site of Sanghoi has a considerable long history. It was for the first time occupied by the people of the Harappan Civilization around 2000 B.C. The most important monument of the Kushana period excavated at Sanghoi is a cylindrical stupa of 16 m diameter built over a raised platform. This epoch-making discovery has placed the site of Sanghoi prominantly on the map of Mathura art. The Sanghoi sculpture Sadyah-Snata depicted on the stamp shows a lady in full bloom of youth; She has finished her bath and is now wringing her wet tresses to squeeze out the water (Kesa-nistoya - Karini). A hansa or swan has perched itself beside her left fot and has taken the tip of her wet tresses in its beak so as not to allow even a single drop of water to fall on floor. She is standing on a stone platform on the front face of which a crouching fabulous lion with wings is shown. On the balcony, a young lady and her spouse (mutilated) are showing looking at the lady. The multicolour stamp is in the denomination of 650P. The first day cover depicts St. Basils Cathedral, otherwise known as the Pokrovsjy IIntercession of the Holy Virgin) Cathedral, a beautiful architectural monument of the 16th century. St. Basil's Cathedral is located in Moscow's Red Square, U.S.S.R.. The First Day Cancellation depicts the logo of the Festival of India 'the Yaudheya Coin' of 200 B.C. symbolising Ahimsa 'Not to injury any living being'.

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