The Family Planning Programme in India is one of the important elements in the country's total strategy of socio-economic growth. It aims, on the one hand, to create in man the urge for better life for himself and, on the other, to make available to him some of the essential means of economic and social betterment. The basis of the programme is entirely voluntary. It must draw, on its on strength, people, particularly those living in villages, to the vast network of primary health centres and sub-centres where health, family planning, nutrition and allied services are available for the asking. Launched officially in 1952, the family planning programme was, in the initial years, i.e. under the First Five Year Plan and to a considerable extent under the Second Plan also, more or less clinic based. Later, under the Third Plan, greater emphasis was placed on the extension education approach to make it community-based as well as on expansion of services to meet the demand that this approach created. The process was carried further under the Fourth Plan, Non-official organisations, including voluntary bodies, were encouraged, given incentives and financial support, to take the programme to the door-steps of the common people and to help the government in converting it into a mass movement. Under the current Plan, integrated health, family planning and allied services have been included in the 'minimum needs programme'. High priority has been accorded to rural and backward areas. Research in bio-medical, motivational and other areas has been intensified to develop new contraceptive methods and devices. identify specific problems of specific people and design strategic and campaigns which may prove more effective.
The stamp is symbolic on the theme 'Small Family- Happy Family'.
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